Payment Information
If you need to pay for a Credit Report, just use the PayPal button below.
House payments are due the first day of the month. The payments can be made in person or by mail with a check or money order.
If you are renting, you can also pay your security deposit and first month's rent using the PayPal button below. Refer to the NHSSA email sent to you for the correct amount to pay.
After that, monthly rent should be paid in person, by mail or with the automatic payment system. Read about auto payments in the next paragraphs.
Also, the payments can be automatically withdrawn. In order to have this option, you must fill out the form below and bring it into our office. It will take at least 3 weeks to go into effect. Please keep in mind that we do not accept cash.
For general payment information, past due payment amounts or late fees, please contact: Rosanne Lopez (210) 533-6673, extension 307.

Pay for Your Credit Report
Applicant & Co Applicant

Pay Your Security Deposit and First Month's Rent Here