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NHSSA is constantly working in the community to help families through the housing cycle. We love highlighting those success stories, plus we want to keep you up to date with the latest housing industry news.

APRIL 2020

NHS of San Antonio Lending Program

We regret to inform you that until further notice, NHS of San Antonio has suspended our Lending Program (Down Payment & Closing Cost Assistance Loans). We continue to monitor the impact of COVID 19 on the local economy and we plan to reopen our lending efforts in the near future.  We apologize any inconvenience this may cause you and your clients, but please know that we remain committed to the community and are making important short term adjustments to be more responsive to our community’s most immediate needs. Please visit our website for future updates.  Thank you for your understanding and please stay safe.


City of San Antonio Rent and Mortgage Emergency Assistance

The City of San Antonio is offering financial assistance and referrals to our impacted community for housing needs.  To this end, they have re-assigned some staff from current duties to take on different duties to assist with housing assistance application processing and the increased volume of calls for housing assistance programs over the last few weeks. You can find City assistance at this link.

First Time Homebuyer's Classes

Our next "First time Home buyer Education Class" will be CANCELLED for April due to City of San Antonio social distancing guidelines. Our next class will be announced soon. 

NHSSA Addresses COVID-19 Issues

Neighborhood Housing Services of San Antonio – NHSSA remains committed to our community as we all join together to confront this serious health related pandemic that is impacting each of our daily lives.  We are continuing to monitor the situation and we have already taken swift and bold actions to safeguard our staff, our volunteers and our clients. 


The following are actions that we have already taken or will be taking soon:


  • We closed our offices – under the advice of our national and local leaders

  • We implemented a work from home policy – we remain open for business – observing regular business hours, but we must adapt to do our part to contain the spread of COVID – 19.  Each staff member has a company issued laptop and we are monitoring email and telephone messages daily.  We are able to retrieve voicemail from home, so please continue to leave messages and we will reply as promptly, as possible.

  • We will provide assistance to our existing Loan Clients, on a case by case basis. However, we will require proof that your income has been impacted by the COVID – 19 Pandemic (ie…termination or furlough letter from your employer, confirmation that you have applied for unemployment, etc…)

  • If you anticipate that you will have trouble meeting your monthly NHS Loan Obligation, please give us a call and we will help you navigate the options we currently have available.

  • Several resources are becoming available at the State, National, and Local level. NHS of SA is committed to securing emergency relief funds so that we can help our community to the best of our abilities. 

  • We have not secured any direct awards at this time, but we will continue to post updates on our website, along with details on how to access financial assistance – should it become available. 


As we continue to adjust to this unfolding situation, we wish each of you continued blessings and good health. We remain committed to our community and we will continue to work hard to help those in need.  Please stay safe and healthy everyone, and check our website periodically, for updates.

NHSSA Home-Buying Counseling Creates Path Forward

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Every applicant to the NHSSA loan program is given the opportunity to take advantage of our home buyer counseling. During a typical home buyer counseling session, the housing counselor will do the following:


A personalized Credit and Budget Analysis – The counselor assesses your financial profile - including your employment history, credit history and assets - to determine which steps you need to take to be ready to begin the home buying process.


A personalized Affordability Analysis – Considering your stable income, your assets and your financial obligations, your counselor will determine how much home you can afford so you can begin shopping for your home.


A personalized Action Plan – This will serve as your step by step guide to successful home ownership. Your NHS counselor will work with you every step of the way to get you ready to purchase a home.


Once you work through your personalized plan, NHSSA can refer potential homebuyers to many of the organizations lending partners. NHSSA can also help with a down payment assistance loan which will reduce the amount of cash that would typically be required for a home purchase.


You can read more about financial counseling at:



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